Tag Archives: Crowdfunding Kingsford Waterbay

Crowdfunding Kingsford Waterbay

According to a statement given by CoAssets, a crowdfunding company hailing from Southeast Asia, has seen their listed projects give over S$120,000 in total payouts during the past 16 months. CoAssets is a start-up firm that is funded by a scheme called i.JAM Reload, which is managed by the MDA (Media Development Authority), and has been nurtured by Expara IDM Ventures.

Kingsford Waterbay Payouts

The Co-founder of CoAssets, Getty Goh has stated that crowdfunding platforms, more often than not, shine a light on their ability to raise the funds needed for their projects in Kingsford Waterbay Serangoon. But with CoAssets the focus has been on their users’ experience, as well as on whether or not the companies that they list on their site have the capacity to deliver on their promises.
Mr. Goh further added that, up until now, they are pleased to note that those businesses that are listed …